
Pictofigo Partnership

As many have seen, since August, I've been using freehand drawings with many of my blog posts.  They were all created by the skilled hands over at Pictofigo. Pictofigo provides high-quality freehand drawings for agile practitioners, professionals, project managers, presenters, web designers, etc. in an easy and efficient way. Pictofigo helps communicate your message through a visual experience, rather than using huge amounts of text. Anyone can use them and it is 100% free.

So, are you looking for something for your next PowerPoint presentation?  Need something better than clip-art but your budget is limited?  Go over to Pictofigo right now and get yourself some original artwork.

Just pick and click to download.  It's free!

Looking for Partnerships in Project Management

We are happy to announce, upon partnering with a London-based project management firm, that we launched the future site for Prince2 Flashcards.  Currently, there is just a sign up form, for those who wish to be informed when our product is about to launch.  Additionally, we launched the future site for our PMP Exam Simulator. Again, sign up if you want to be informed when our product is about to launch.  Both the Prince2 and the PMP Exam Simulator sites are project management exam preparation websites that should help us expand our reach in the market. So, what makes this blog post different from others?  Back in March, we launched our PMP Flashcards site.  This was the first site to use our HueCubed flashcard engine.  We've gone through several iterations of the engine and it just gets better and better.

What we're looking for now are some affiliate partners for the PMP Flashcard website.  Do you like what we have created? Want to make some extra money, along with us?

Sign up as a HueCubed affiliate!  As we launch each of the sites, we'll make affiliate links and buttons available.  All affiliate accounts will paid by HueCubed.

Disclaimer:  The Critical Path, HueCubed, and all of the mentioned product sites were designed and developed by me and my development team.

Thank you to everyone for your support,


Graphic from Flickr: Spring Stone